The Cranston Library, founded on 14 March 1701, is situated in a small chamber above the vestry in the parish church of St Mary Magdalene, Reigate. It was the first public lending library in England and it contains works of literature, history, geography, science, classics and theology.
There are over two thousand books in the library, mainly dating from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. There are also a number of earlier printed volumes and a few manuscripts.
The library is named after its founder, Andrew Cranston.
Andrew Cranston was probably born in the 1650s. He was a Scot, a clergyman, and a graduate of the University of Edinburgh. He came to Reigate sometime in the 1680s, where he became parish clerk and married the vicar's daughter. In 1697 he succeeded his father-in-law as vicar of the parish, in which office he served until his death.
Cranston clearly took very seriously his duty to promote education within the community. He was the earliest local correspondent of the Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge, the headmaster of what later became Reigate Grammar School, and the founder of the library 'for the use & perusal of the freeholders, vicar and inhabitants' of Reigate. The motto he gave the library, Animi Alimentum, means 'nourishment for the mind'.
Cranston donated seventy of his own books to the library at its foundation and he gave 108 more in 1703. Such a large number indicates not only a love of learning but also a degree of wealth. He was also a practical man, soliciting many other donations from local worthies, housing the library in the room it still occupies, and providing for its future by establishing a body of trustees.