Burnley Video Productions


Reigate History

Reigate & Redhill DVDs and associated local history

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This clip is from the DVD "From the Archives, Reigate & Redhill on Film 1926 to 1935" produced by BVP in 2002.

The DVD can be bought online from our Reigate Shop

"From the Archives" is a must for residents of Redhill and Reigate, both young and old. For the more senior residents it is an opportunity to revisit important events such as the carnivals and the celebrations surrounding the Jubilee of King George V. You'll see historic buildings which are no longer there such as the White Hart Hotel, The Swan Inn in Reigate and St. Anne's in Redhill.

For younger residents, you will see a population from a more innocent age entertaining themselves before skateboards or computer games. You will marvel at the ingenuity that went into their floats for the towns' carnivals (which stretched for a mile or more) and how much simpler life seemed to be then.

From the Archives makes for compelling viewing and the more you watch it the more you'll see. 

From the Archives DVD From the Archives DVD


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